Patricia Farrell MIACP Counselling and Supervision

Counselling Therapy for Individuals and Couples | Supervision for Counselling Professionals and Groups | Face to Face and Online Therapy

Psychosexual Health Focus – Vaginismus

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Vaginismus is a condition in which involuntary muscle spasms cause the vagina to tighten, making any type of vaginal penetration, including sexual intercourse, difficult or impossible.

It is a common problem that can cause significant distress for individuals and their partners. On the physical side, vaginismus may be caused by infections, hormonal imbalances, or physical trauma to the vagina. In addition, certain medical procedures, such as a pap smear or a gynaecological exam, can trigger vaginismus in some individuals.

However, psychosexual factors also play a role in the development of vaginismus. These can include negative experiences or trauma associated with sex, such as sexual abuse or assault. In some cases, vaginismus may be the result of cultural or religious beliefs that discourage or stigmatize sexual activity.

Treatment for vaginismus typically involves addressing both the physical and psychological factors that contribute to the condition. This may include pelvic floor physical therapy to help relax the involuntary muscle spasms, as well as counselling to address any underlying anxiety or negative experiences associated with sex.

In addition, it is important for individuals with vaginismus to communicate openly and honestly with their partners about their concerns and feelings. This can help to create a safe and supportive environment for sexual intimacy, and can help to build trust and understanding between partners.

Please feel free to contact me if you have been affected by vaginismus – you do not have to suffer silently and you may find the path to a resolution is more accessible than you think…

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